
For the past 10 years, Epic Presence has helped some of the world’s largest B2B software providers grow.

In that time, we have seen inside hundreds of software marketing campaigns. We know how they work, and we know why they fail.

In addition to our hands-on experience with clients, we are continually conducting our own research into how companies buy and use software.

We’d like to share all of this insight with you.

That’s why we created Funnel Fuel: Epic Software Marketing Insights.

Enter your email in the form below so we can begin sending you actionable data to help you grow your software business.

The first thing we’d like to send you is our most recent Software Buyer’s Journey Report. In it, you will learn:

  • 4 ways of getting in front of the modern software buyer.
  • 2 of the most effective ways to conduct a product demo (and how most software providers are getting this wrong).
  • 3 core reasons customers decide to pass on buying software (even after an extensive sales process).

Addressing the issues in this report alone will put you on the leading edge of understanding B2B software buyers, but we have many materials like this in the works.

Enter your email to join Funnel Fuel today!

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